Information on academics

Last updated: August 18th, 2020.

Terms used on this page

  • IAP. Indepedent Activities Period.
  • Subject. One class that you can take.
  • Unit. Credits are measured in units. One unit very roughly translates to one hour of work per week.

First year credit limits (in units)1

Fall489Most MIT subjects are 12 units; 48 units should equal 4 subjects.
IAP120All students are limited to 12 units during IAP.
Spring609The average course load is 48 to 54 regular units. No degree requires taking more than 54 units per semester.

Physical Education (PE) classes do not contribute to your credit limit. PE classes are graded on a point system; you need 8 points to graduate.

ROTC subjects do not count toward the first-year credit limit.

Recommended subjects

Subjects recommended by departments for first-year students (these count towards the regular credit limit) can be found here.

Options for discovery units2

Fall semester (Fall 2020)

Spring semester (Spring 2021)

First-year grading policies3

  • In your first semester and Independent Activities Period (IAP), you will receive grades of Pass or No Record (P/NR).
    • A grade of C or above is passing. Grades will be noted as P on your transcript.
    • A grade of D or F will only show up on internal transcripts; no external transcript will have these records (No Record) without your permission see Use of Fall Term Hidden Grades.
    • Hidden grades of A, B, or C will be noted for internal advising purposes, but are not used in calculating GPA nor usable for any purpose other than advising.
  • In your second semester, you will receive A, B, or C grades. D and F grades are not recorded externally (A/B/C/NR).
    • A, B, and C grades are recorded both internally and externally.
    • D and F grades are noted only internally; they will not appear on any external transcript.
    • Your GPA will only accumulate passing grades (i.e. A, B, or C).
  • For the Class of 2024, you will be able to choose P/NR grading on 48 units (any subject, including General Institute and Departmental requirements) starting your second semester (your first semester is already P/NR).
  • For the Class of 2024, you will not be offered the opportunity to take early sophomore standing.

Use of Fall Term Hidden Grades

  • If a scholarship or other third-party absolutely requires internal hidden grades (i.e. pass/no record on an official transcript is not sufficient), you will need to:
    • Go to the Undergraduate Academic Administrator in each department in which you took a class (Physics, Math, etc.) to ask her/him to write a letter. The undergraduate administrators are used to doing this for first-years, so you shouldn't worry that you are making an unusual request.
    • The letter should be addressed to you, and should state, [Your name] took 8.01 (or 18.01, etc.) under the MIT freshman Pass/No Record grading system. Had an official grade been recorded for you, it would have been an X [whatever grade you received].
    • You may then forward a copy of this letter on to the scholarship for which you are applying.

Requesting your transcript

You can get a copy of your external transcript from Student Services Center, Room 11-120.

General Insitute Requirements4

  1. First-year credit limits. (http)
  2. Fall 2020 First-year Discovery Subjects. (http)
  3. First-year grading policies. (http)
  4. General Institute Requirements. (http)